This text is part of Chapter 5 Economy in the book Anarchy Works. Anarchy Works is available from LittleBlackCart.com or TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast,
This text is part of Chapter 5 Economy in the book Anarchy Works. Anarchy Works is available from LittleBlackCart.com or TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast,
In this episode: Who will take out the trash? Who will take care of the elderly and disabled? How will people get healthcare? This text
This text is part of Chapter 5 Economy in the book Anarchy Works. Anarchy Works is available from LittleBlackCart.com or TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast,
This text is part of Chapter 5 Economy in the book Anarchy Works. Anarchy Works is available from LittleBlackCart.com or TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast,
In this episode: Anarchy would never work What exactly is anarchism? A note on inspiration The tricky topic of representation Anarchy Works is available from
This piece is available at peculiarmormyrid.com, on pages 118-122 of Issue 9 Image by Casi Cline Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to
This piece is available at peculiarmormyrid.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This piece is available at peculiarmormyrid.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This text is available in Why Work? Arguments for the Leisure Society, originally from Freedom Press, now from AK Press. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org
This text at TheTamarixProject.com This text is published in the Oak Journal #3 Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This text at TheTamarixProject.com This test is published in Backwoods #2, available from LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
This article is from The Oystercatcher #18 May Day 2021, available from LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This article is from The Oystercatcher #18 May Day 2021, available from LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This article is from The Oystercatcher #18 May Day 2021, available from LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This article is from The Oystercatcher #18 May Day 2021, available at LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This text at EcoRevoltBlog.wordpress.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
Translated 2018 by Seaweed. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
Translated 2018 by Seaweed. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at ungratefulhyenas.noblogs.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at ungratefulhyenas.noblogs.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text is anonymous and is a much updated version of the earlier work “Why Green Technology is Not Sustainable.” It is available on The
This reading is from the book Creating Anarchy, by Ron Sakolsky, published by Ardent Press, and available through Little Black Cart. Surrealist Desire will take
This reading is from the book Creating Anarchy, by Ron Sakolsky, published by Ardent Press, and available through Little Black Cart. Surrealist Desire will take
This reading is from the book Creating Anarchy, by Ron Sakolsky, published by Ardent Press, and available through Little Black Cart. Surrealist Desire will take
This article is from Black Seed 5, available from Little Black Cart or online at The Anarchist Library. Black Seed 5 at LittleBlackCart.com Black Seed
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in ten episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This is a reading of the full text of Against the Gendered Nightmare, in nine episodes. AtGN is from Baedan 2: A Queer Journal of
This reading is available in Backwoods #1, A Journal of Anarchy and Wortcunning. Backwoods #1 at LittleBlackCart.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests
Originally published in AJODA, this was made available by Elephant Editions in the collection, “Feral Revolution,” which is currently available from Little Black Cart. Feral
Originally published in AJODA, this was made available by Elephant Editions in the collection, “Feral Revolution,” which is currently available from Little Black Cart. Feral
This essay is in the Changing Suns Press book, “Killing King Abacus Anthology: a collection of writings for relations without measure,” available from Little Black
Prison Break at WarzoneDistro.noblogs.org Prison Break at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
Industrial Society & Its Future at LittleBlackCart.com Industrial Society & Its Future at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and
“Apparition of the Inapparent: The Phenomenological ‘Conjuring Trick’” is chapter 5 of the Routledge book, “Spectres of Marx,” by Jacques Derrida. A smaller file size
An Invitation to Desertion at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Backwoods #1 at LittleBlackCart.com Show notes at Immediatism.com My other podcast at PointingTexts.org Email Cory@Immediatism.com
Today’s essay is included in the booklet Essays From the Tiger’s Leap, by Ramon Elani, available from Little Black Cart. Tiger’s Leap from LittleBlackCart.com Show
Today’s reading is the second in a series of four in Essays From the Tiger’s Leap, a pamphlet by Ramon Elani and available from Little
Today’s reading is the first in a series of four, from Essays From the Tiger’s Leap, a pamphlet by Ramon Elani and available from Little
Today’s reading is newly available from Little Black Cart. Toward a New Anarchism: Anarcho-Daoism at LittleBlackCart.com Similar podcasts you may enjoy: Anews a podcast about
Today’s reading is available in the collection, Egoism, by Ardent Press and available from Little Black Cart. Egoism at LittleBlackCart.com. Similar podcasts you may enjoy:
“In every one of these things there is something of the sacred, something of the power that individuals have alienated from themselves….”
Today’s reading originally appeared in the Egoist newspaper Sovereign Self and is now available in the collection Egoism, published by Ardent Press and distributed by
Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
List Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
List Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
“The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores action; the true sage ignores reputation.” ~ Chuang Tzu Today’s reading, A Chinese Sage, is from
Today’s reading, The Theory of the Individual in Chinese Philosophy: Yang-Chou, is from Neither Lord Nor Subject: Anarchism & Eastern Thought, a collection compiled by
“…[A]ll this could have been dispensed with if there had been no oppression and violence from the start.” ~ Bao Jingyan, 300 CE Today’s reading,
“Society’s most effective weapon…is to simply keep people in the dark about weapons they already possess (…imagination, creativity, entheogens, subversion, and humor)….” ~ Ludo
“…I will face reality with weapons in hand…to destroy the unconscious social consensus, the endless conformity and obedience that create the present reality.“ ~ Wolfi
“The more intrepid among us may prefer to challenge the consensus, despite the dangers of openly doing so.” ~ Ben G. Price The essay read
“Enlightenment is all we have…. Writing has taken us to the very edge, beyond which writing may be impossible.” ~Hakim Bey Critique of the Listener
“Immediatism wants to be a game, not a political movement, & certainly not a revolution….” ~Hakim Bey Imagination, the essay, is available in Immediatism, the
“Immediatism is our delight. Immediatism is dangerous.” ~Hakim Bey Immediatism vs. Capitalism, the essay, is available in Immediatism, the book. Immediatism, the book by Hakim
“[T]he secret society promises to provide a useful framework of protective clandestinity—a cloak of invisibility that will have to be dropped only in the event
“Depression we may have to accept, impotent rage we may have to accept, revolutionary pessimism we may have to accept. But as e.e. cummings (anarchist
“Our place is to think, to continue speaking of chaos, not being stupid enough to think we can take its side. There are no sides.”