The full title is Black Sun Rising: On Witch Wars and Real Wars, and it is available here on Rhyd’s blog. To be clear, this
The full title is Black Sun Rising: On Witch Wars and Real Wars, and it is available here on Rhyd’s blog. To be clear, this
Access the text here. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode. Donate
Access the text here. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode. Donate
On body positivity, ressentiment, and desire. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This article is available at abeautifulresistance.org. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This article is available at abeautifulresistance.org. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This article is available at abeautifulresistance.org. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This article is available at abeautifulresistance.org. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future
This article first appeared on Gods and Radicals. GodsAndRadicals.org Rhyd Wildermuth’s blog, RhydWildermuth.com Rhyd Wildermuth’s books at ABeautifulResistance.org Immediatism.com My other podcast PointingTexts.org Feedback and
This article first appeared on Gods and Radicals. GodsAndRadicals.org Rhyd Wildermuth’s blog, RhydWildermuth.com Rhyd Wildermuth’s books at ABeautifulResistance.org Immediatism.com My other podcast PointingTexts.org Feedback and
This essay originally appeared in Black Seed #5 and on Gods and Radicals, and is now available on The Anarchist Library. Black Seed Issue 5