Translated 2018 by Seaweed. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
Translated 2018 by Seaweed. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
Translated 2018 by Seaweed. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at ungratefulhyenas.noblogs.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at ungratefulhyenas.noblogs.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at NoraSamaran.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode. Feedback
This text at NoraSamaran.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at HumanIterations.net This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in
Translated from French by Seaweed This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared
This text is a chapter from the book Queering Anarchism, from AK Press. This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests
This text is a chapter from the book Queering Anarchism, from AK Press. This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests
This text at LittleBlackCart.com This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in
This originally appeared in Queering Anarchism, from AK Press. This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This text at LittleBlackCart.com This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in
This text is the introduction to the Thorntree Press book, “Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Nonmonogamy,” by Jessica Fern (2020). Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org
This text is the foreword to the Thorntree Press book, “Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Nonmonogamy,” by Jessica Fern. Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback
Against Community Building, Towards Friendship at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a
To Care is to Struggle on TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com
To Care is to Struggle on TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com
Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency at Amazon.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com
Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency at Amazon.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com
The full interview (English) (Spanish) Pterodactilo podcast Kim Tallbear’s blog, The Critical Polyamorist Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com
This reading is from the Ardent Press pamphlet, “What Have We Done for Us Lately? Essays by Dot Matrix,” available from Little Black Cart. What
This reading was originally in Insurrection Magazine and now comes from Insurrection Omnibus, published by Ardent Press and available from Little Black Cart. Insurrection Omnibus
This reading was originally in Insurrection Magazine and now comes from Insurrection Omnibus, published by Ardent Press and available from Little Black Cart. Insurrection Omnibus
This reading was originally in Insurrection Magazine and now comes from Insurrection Omnibus, published by Ardent Press and available from Little Black Cart. Insurrection Omnibus
This essay is from the original UK edition of Feral Revolution: Essays and Polemics of Feral Faun, from Elephant Editions. It is now available on
This text refers to episodes 65, 66, and 67 mainly, as well as more generally the essays from episodes 57-64, all by E. Armand. Individualist
This is part 2 of 3 because the text was fairly long. The full Emile Armand series started with episode 57. Individualist Anarchism, Revolutionary Sexualism
This is part 1 of 3 sections of the text, and the text is part 9 in a series started with episode 57. Individualist Anarchism,
Part 8 of a series. Individualist Anarchism, Revolutionary Sexualism from LittleBlackCart.com
Part 7 of a series. Individualist Anarchism, Revolutionary Sexualism from LittleBlackCart.com
Part 5 of 12 Individualist Anarchism, Revolutionary Sexualism from LittleBlackCart.com
Today’s reading originally appeared in the Egoist newspaper Sovereign Self and is now available in the collection Egoism, published by Ardent Press and distributed by
Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
“[T]he point is to leave a clue, a verbal finger pointing toward the moon of one’s ideas and dreams that says just enough to find
“[S]exual satisfaction is not just a question of pleasure as such, but specifically that pleasure that springs from real encounter and recognition[.]” ~Wolfi Landstreicher The