Gone to Croatan by Hakim Bey is found in the book T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, from Autonomedia, which is also
Gone to Croatan by Hakim Bey is found in the book T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, from Autonomedia, which is also
T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism available from Autonomedia at Amazon.com
“Enlightenment is all we have…. Writing has taken us to the very edge, beyond which writing may be impossible.” ~Hakim Bey Critique of the Listener
“Immediatism wants to be a game, not a political movement, & certainly not a revolution….” ~Hakim Bey Imagination, the essay, is available in Immediatism, the
“Immediatism is our delight. Immediatism is dangerous.” ~Hakim Bey Immediatism vs. Capitalism, the essay, is available in Immediatism, the book. Immediatism, the book by Hakim
“[T]he secret society promises to provide a useful framework of protective clandestinity—a cloak of invisibility that will have to be dropped only in the event
“[T]he practice of Immediatism will release within us vast storehouses of forgotten power, which will not only transform our lives through the secret realization of
“The task of immediatist organization can be summed up as the widening of the circle.” ~Hakim Bey Ontological Anarchy In a Nutshell is available in
“The sage does not become trapped in semantics, does not mistake map for territory, but rather “opens things up to the light of Heaven” by