Access the text here. Get Treatise on Etiquette for the Younger Generations aka The Revolution of Everyday Life, by Raoul Vaneigem, at LittleBlackCart.com. Index by
Access the text here. Get Treatise on Etiquette for the Younger Generations aka The Revolution of Everyday Life, by Raoul Vaneigem, at LittleBlackCart.com. Index by
This text at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This essay at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared in a future episode.
This essay is included in the book Stirner’s Critics, published by LBC Books and available from LittleBlackCart.com. Stirner’s Critics at LittleBlackCart.com Clarifying the Unique full-text
This essay is included in the book Stirner’s Critics, published by LBC Books and available from LittleBlackCart.com. Stirner’s Critics at LittleBlackCart.com Clarifying the Unique full-text
[Also see episode 17: Critical Self-Theory: Towards an anarchist critical theory of the self & society, by Jason McQuinn] This was a workshop talk given
A quick exploration of the major changes that result from pushing for inclusive and exclusive visions & definitions, interactions, and projects. How big is the
“The only really critical self-theory exists where no morals, abstract ideals, or hidden constraints cloud the air.” ~ Jason McQuinn The essay read this episode,