Money & Logos is available in the Enemy Combatant Publications pamphlet, Too Much of Nothing, or in the book Killing King Abacus Anthology, both available
Money & Logos is available in the Enemy Combatant Publications pamphlet, Too Much of Nothing, or in the book Killing King Abacus Anthology, both available
Enemy Combatant Press, available from LittleBlackCart.com Liber Nihil at LittleBlackCart.com
Enemy Combatant Press, available from LittleBlackCart.com Liber Nihil from LittleBlackCart.com
Enemy Combatant Publications, available from LittleBlackCart.com Rewilding Witchcraft at LittleBlackCart.com Rewilding Witchcraft at Scarlet Imprint Show notes at Immediatism.com My other podcast at PointingTexts.org Email
Emanations of the Ego from Enemy Combatant Publications, available from LittleBlackCart.com
An Invitation to Desertion at TheAnarchistLibrary.org Backwoods #1 at LittleBlackCart.com Show notes at Immediatism.com My other podcast at PointingTexts.org Email Cory@Immediatism.com
The case for panpsychism. Today’s reading appears in Backwoods: A Journal of Autochthonous Anarchy No. 2, Spring 2019, available from Little Black Cart Backwoods No.
“Our sorrow and rage is not directed at some essential metaphysical Other that attacks Nature; it is directed at an immediate mutilation of our experience,
“The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores action; the true sage ignores reputation.” ~ Chuang Tzu Today’s reading, A Chinese Sage, is from
Today’s reading, The Theory of the Individual in Chinese Philosophy: Yang-Chou, is from Neither Lord Nor Subject: Anarchism & Eastern Thought, a collection compiled by
“…[A]ll this could have been dispensed with if there had been no oppression and violence from the start.” ~ Bao Jingyan, 300 CE Today’s reading,
“Society’s most effective weapon…is to simply keep people in the dark about weapons they already possess (…imagination, creativity, entheogens, subversion, and humor)….” ~ Ludo
“…I will face reality with weapons in hand…to destroy the unconscious social consensus, the endless conformity and obedience that create the present reality.“ ~ Wolfi
“The more intrepid among us may prefer to challenge the consensus, despite the dangers of openly doing so.” ~ Ben G. Price The essay read
“The only really critical self-theory exists where no morals, abstract ideals, or hidden constraints cloud the air.” ~ Jason McQuinn The essay read this episode,