Egoism, Ardent Press, available from LittleBlackCart.com
This essay comes from the Elephant Edition by Ardent Press entitled Icognito, by Anon. Incognito at LittleBlackCart.com
(including THE BIRTH OF DOMINATION, GANG THEORY, GANG FACT, and THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF SNARLING) The Organization’s New Clothes at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
Today’s reading is available in the collection, Egoism, by Ardent Press and available from Little Black Cart. Egoism at LittleBlackCart.com. Similar podcasts you may enjoy:
“In every one of these things there is something of the sacred, something of the power that individuals have alienated from themselves….”
Today’s reading originally appeared in the Egoist newspaper Sovereign Self and is now available in the collection Egoism, published by Ardent Press and distributed by
Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
List Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
List Anarcho-Pessimism at LittleBlackCart.com Laurance Labadie at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
“Our place is to think, to continue speaking of chaos, not being stupid enough to think we can take its side. There are no sides.”
“Our awareness of decomposition leads to certain insights that are disconcerting and fascinating as well; they may well be visions from outside Civilization. This awareness
“[O]ur ethics might…be defined as the provisional disorientation with which we approach our ways of living, the interminable and necessary skepticism that characterizes our thinking’s
“[T]he point is to leave a clue, a verbal finger pointing toward the moon of one’s ideas and dreams that says just enough to find
“[S]exual satisfaction is not just a question of pleasure as such, but specifically that pleasure that springs from real encounter and recognition[.]” ~Wolfi Landstreicher The
“[W]hen we make the choice to break the machine rather than continuing to adjust it, passivity ceases and projectuality begins.” ~Wolfi Landstreicher The text read
“[F]or its delirious rhetoric, it deserves a proud place on the shelf labeled Chaos.” ~ Peter Lamborn Wilson The text read this episode is available
“Is it possible to create a SECRET THEATER in which both artist and audience have completely disappeared — only to reappear on another plane, where life and art have become the same thing, the pure giving of gifts?”