This text at academia.edu The author’s blog at theWhim.blogspot.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared
This text at academia.edu The author’s blog at theWhim.blogspot.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared
This text at academia.edu The author’s blog at theWhim.blogspot.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared
This text at academia.edu The author’s blog at theWhim.blogspot.com Immediatism.com My other podcast, PointingTexts.org Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com, and your comment may be shared