On anarcho-primitivism, including a critique of certain ideas prominent in the thinking of two very public anarcho-primitivists, and Bellamy’s original and highly engaging analysis.
Part 1: Examination of the tropes of the Western civilized mythos — self-alienation, dualism, rationalism, optimism, and monotheism — investigations of their origins, roles in civilization, history, and recent effects on theory.
Part 2: AP’s participation in these tropes, demonstrating in each case a failure to commit to the deep implications of a truly anti-civ perspective and instead stumbling into a quagmire of incomplete critique, contradiction, and confusion.
Part 3: Review of the AP responses to past criticisms and anticipation of current and future criticisms.
Postscript: Bellamy’s suggestions for a truly anti-civ form of life.
Corrosive Consciousness at LittleBlackCart.com
My other podcast at PointingTexts.org
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